Sunday, May 2, 2010

May Days

We just pulled up to the curb (since there is no driveway) from a night in Pennington/Hightstown where we saw Grandma, David and Paula, Peter and Janet.  Mary said we really only got to Hightstown 26 hours ago.  It seemed longer as we had a lot of chat and eating and then start all over again.

Grandma looks good, healthy and alert, and eager to know all the news about her grandchildren.  Who are, by the way, all doing well, on all sides.

David and Paula had driven down from Rochester, combining meetings in NYC, New Haven and Flemington with a stay in Hightstown.  We ordered out and had way too much food; Mary got a sixteen piece pizza when she normally eats 3 pieces.  She ate all of it this time, just to show us she could.  

Peter and Janet had gone into NYC for Prairie Home Companion, tickets for which Peter had gotten for his birthday.  They met up with Johanna, Sean and Amanda after the show, and ran into a big police barricade.  The next morning, they found out it was an attempted bomb, not too far away from their theater!  

We stayed with Peter and Janet (thank you very much!), but didn't see them until the next morning.  Nor did we see that night all the signs of a recent big birthday around the house - messages and balloons.  Looks like it was a grand time.  We had a slow breakfast with them and caught up on school and politics and work and summer plans.

Speaking of which, we decided to follow Horace Greeley's advice and start John's retirement by going west "old man."  We're toying with tracing the Lewis and Clark route, in the comfort of our air conditioned SUV.  Joe had talked about taking some time off and heading to Montana as well, so we'll have to see if we can get our schedules working.  Anyone else?  We sent away for some literature and are starting our planning/dreaming.

This week, it's travel.  Annie's first, leaving for ten days of vacation in China.  Then Margaret is going to Iraq, for a meeting and conference of sorts with her new job.  

We also got finally good news from our contractor, and he is in possession of all the building permits needed to start our long-awaited renovation.  Looks like it will finally happen.

Feels like summer outside with temperatures in the 90s.  Only four more months of this.  Love it.

Best to you all. Next Sunday is Mother's Day! Happy days!
(Oh and by the way, Mary only ate three pieces.)

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