Sunday, May 16, 2010


Margaret's home.  Yeah!  Sounds like she had a memorable visit.  She said people were very nice, delighted to see her there and ready for her to come back (except her parents!)  She had gone over as part of a project to train educational advisors for Iraqis who would help students who are interested in studying at U.S. universities.

I hope she will write something for you all.  She was in northern Iraq - Kurdistan -and there were terrible incidents of violence while she was there, in Baghdad and in Kurdistan as well.  Everyone she met had had some terrible ordeal.  Anyway, we're glad she's home and I don't want to pre-empt anything she will write.  One of the photos here is of the Citidel in Erbil, the town where she was staying.  It is the oldest continuous lived-in city in the world.  The world.

Joe came out this morning for brunch and we started planning our summer trip out west.  He bought a return ticket from Denver on July 23, so we know that date anyway.

We expect Annie to be home within a day or two.  She had called on Mothers Day and sounded like she was having an amazing trip as well.

Sean came down and spent the night with us this past week, in anticipation of a job interview here in Bethesda.  Hope it went well Sean.  And then he hustled back home for his birthday celebration!  He must be getting close to being 14, right?

We got news that our contractor is going to start on our Pittsfield renovation any moment from now.  Keeping our fingers crossed.

We also went to talk to a financial advisor and he advised me not to retire.  Too late for that.  So it looks as if I may have to do some part-time work for a while.  Who knows?  The sermon today at our church touched on retirement, and the minister remembered a mentor who retired and went to a new home which he called "Meanwhile".  Nice name but I like the name for 5 Hancock Rd better:  "Everywhere you look"
Two more weeks.

Did you all have beautiful weather this weekend like we did?  That meant chores, including my favorite annual job:  cleaning the gutters.  Joe held the ladder for me.

Mary went to a rug-braiding class this weekend near Philadelphia this weekend, and stayed with Grandma on Friday night.  Thank you Grandma!

Did anyone notice?  The Reds are in first place tonight.  

Even if you didn't notice, have a great week ahead.  Love from down here

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