Sunday, October 4, 2009

It's fall

We never think it's going to end.  It's been hot and green for so long, that we forget that September rolls around and there's no going back. And don't tell me about Indian summer - it's a cruel trick.
Lots to report though - first Mary's school did win the national award and was the only public school in the DC area selected, which made it th enatural choice for a visit by the Secretary of Education!  Here's the story in the Washington Post:
Interesting to see that our elementary school, Holy Redeemer, was also selected.
Johanna was also in the newspaper, last Sunday's New York Times real estate section, in a column called "The Hunt" telling the real stories of how people find places to live in the city. And how about this photo of Sean at work? 
We spent last weekend up in Pittsfield, thanks to the Yom Kippur holiday which Mary got off at school.  On the way we stopped at Grandma's and had dinner (Charlie Brown's!!) and also on the way back, thanks to Peter and Janet who came by for the soup supper.  Grandma looks as good as she has in over a year, and she had some news from Pomfret, about the house and about the neighbors who separated and sold their house.  Up in Pittsfield, we had dinner with John and Marilyn who talked about their trip to Niagara with their granddaughters - sounds like fun.
Annie has this week off, and is spending it in New York City with her friend Greg who is coming back from China.  Also, in New York were Dan and Mary for Patrick's parents' weekend.  
And there has been some sickness.  Margaret came over last night as she was feeling ill and wanted rest.  Good thing as we heard her roommates were up to 4am.  (youth)  Joe is getting over his bout with mono and strep throat.  He's applying now for grad school next year.
This is our birthday season, and we need to wish Paula, Johanna, Janet, Claire happy birthdays first.  And there are more in the coming weeks.  
Got an e-mail from Jeffrey, and some Facebook messages about health care. 
And, since I last wrote, I had traveled to Venezuela and Colombia.  It was an interesting comparison, of two countries moving in opposite directions, both in terms of their relations with the U.S. and in terms of well-being of their people.  Is there a connection? 
Sorry it's been so long since I wrote.  Anyone else want to write?  Just send an e-mail to

And today is the last day of the baseball season.  For Reds fans anyway.  Nothing to look forward to in the daily papers.
Love to all from down here!

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