Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Cold but inspired

We love it when a plan works out.  The radio at 5:30 said the Metro parking was filling up and there were delays already.  Still we made it.  We go tot Joe's around 8:15 and then walked to the Mall area with him and his friend Simon.  The closest we could get at 9:30 was the Washington monument.  We turned towards the Lincoln Memorial and ended up watching the jumbotron with the Lincoln Memorial in our background.

We saw what you saw.  But seeing it with so many others, cheering, flag-waving, screaming people was fun and unique.  Lots of young people; the hawkers made a ton of money; way too much security; but freezing cold.  We did all right as long as we were walking; for the 90 minutes we stood, we lost feelig in our feet, faces and fingers. 

We hope Jeff and Melodie had good seats.  Got a picture? 

And, to top off the great day, we got home in time for a nap!  No change there.  Love

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