Friday, September 15, 2023

Too dark to see

It's dark this morning when I woke up. And this week is the official end of summer. And don't even talk about the garden. What a weed fest. We do have pumpkins, small ones, one for each of the grandchildren. Why did I plant pumpkins?  They have drowned out the cucumbers, which I actually like. Oh well. As Mary says, live and learn. Next year.

We headed back to DC this week to help out the only residents in that city who are recently arrived from Brazil by way of Portugal. Joe was off for a week of travel to Taiwan and Korea. Everyone is settling in nicely, and it is a big adjustment. We went to grandparents' day at Joao's pre-school, and it was nice, even if he didn't know the word for "grandparent." He is rapidly picking up English, and speaking it so proudly. We walked to their school a few times, led by Thomas who knows his way around the neighborhood. Luisa mostly watches her brothers, but as soon as they're gone, she lets fly with jibberish that must mean something to her. Fun.

One day after school we took the two boys over to Simon's school and playground and then surprised Andrew for dinner. And we had all gone to an indoor playground on the rainy Sunday, followed by lunch at my favorite restaurant. Micky Dee's. Nice to be so close to cousins. Remember that?

Another day, while everyone was at school, we took the bus down to the mall and walked over to the Library of Congress. I had an appointment in the Manuscript Reading Room, trying to track down anything I could find on John Shields and the Dalton Gang. I struck out, looking through a box of Pinkerton Detective Agency records, because Jay Dean had told me that John Shields was employed there. Well, all the records I could find had the names of the outlaws but only a few of the actual lawmen. Hmm.  Where to next? Do I give up? No way.

Speaking of John Shields, it was sad to hear that Mike Kline, our cousin from Kansas passed away. His mother was Dorothy Shields Kline, technically Grandma's aunt, but not that much older, so more like a cousin. Mike had a difficult struggle with cancer, and when we saw his daughter Alden in Hawaii in March, she told us the cancer had returned and spread.

Also, sad to read about Tina's grandmother. I remember her at the wedding and reception. And, in many of Tina's posts.

One more item from DC - look out Coco and Serena because Margaret is taking tennis lessons.

On the way down to DC, we checked in with David and Paula, who continues to make good progress on her recovery. She's been out a few times, and working hard at PT. A long road.

Also on the medical front, John Boyle went into the hospital for a procedure to check out heart blockages, before he has to return to get his heart valve repaired. Fortunately, they didn't find major problems which means he doesn't have to have open heart surgery, but a less invasive procedure, similar to the one Mary had a few years ago.

One of the photos here must be the luckiest coincidence in the history of humanity. Look at the hat Andrew found at a thrift shop in Illinois. Now there's a story I'd like to read, how that hat made its way out there. Or maybe we should just make one up. Perhaps with the help of artificial intelligence. Claire is back at school, and coaching volleyball this year. And here's a photo of four visitors to their grandparents.  

And now for the latest from Annie, who unfortunately is also suffering from a prickly heat rash on her back: "In today's Tamil class we learned probably the most important question: "Sappiteengalaa?" - "Have you eaten?" Over the past six weeks, I've learned that the best form of small talk is anything revolving around food. "Have you eaten?" is usually asked after "How are you?" Followed by, "What did you eat? Where? Was it good? Are you hungry?" or "What? Why haven't you eaten!? Are you hungry?" Even while eating, you can spent half the conversation talking about food - what else you ate that day, if you like the food you're eating, what we should eat next. And I'm slowly learned to be prepared to share whatever I'm eating."  I'm already hungry.

As I head to the kitchen, sending you our love from up here. Look out for hurricanes this weekend!

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