Sunday, July 22, 2012


This week's question.  What's your favorite view?  The one that stops you in your tracks and makes you lose track of time as you just sit and stare.  

Pop used to say it was a fire or the ocean.  He and Grandma probably liked the one out their front window, where they had their reading, sewing, needlepoint chairs.

We found one this week on a drive up to Cummington Mass, at the William Cullen Bryant home.  I remember Peter had gone up there last year.  Saturday was Bryant Day in Cummington, and Mary and I went up to hear an author read from his books about Ireland and Pittsfield.  Funny.  But, in this great home, out in the woods in western Mass, Bryant had a great view on top of a hill, with vistas all the way to Vermont probably.  It was an unexpected adventure.

I think Joe is having an adventure, as he has boarded the train in Chicago to come to Pittsfield for the week of birthdays.  (We're going to have a belated celebration for Annie as well.) 
He had been there over the weekend for a friend's wedding.  He has also moved into a new place, and seems to enjoy his work.

Annie had an adventure as well, with an unexpected delay/layover in Seattle on her direct Beijing to Newark flight.  She missed her connection to Boston, but somehow got on a bus and was able to have the weekend with her friends.  She arrives tomorrow from Boston.

Margaret's on her way as well, coming up from New Jersey where she is with Andrew and celebrating his mother's birthday.  She's bringing D, and we need him here to chase the woodchucks and rabbits and crows and deer.  And squirrels.  And maybe even a bear.  Did I mention we saw a big bear poop?  

Speaking of animals, we saw at a store in Cummington a big piece of paper the owners had put up with wildlife sightings.  Most of them had to do with bear.

Mary has been spending her time working on the landscaping for the house.  She has suggestions from everyone, often in conflict.  We had a bunch of dirt delivered this week, and that means someone is on a wheelbarrow duty.  Guess who?  She's also started a master's swim class at the Y, and tried out a yoga class.  

We've been watching Breaking Bad, Mad Men and Friday Night Lights.  And, we're ready for the Olympics.

Remember when it used to rain?  You know, that water that fell from the sky?  We always complained, BUT NOT NOW!  I understand London is having a record year for rainfall.  Send some our way, please.

Hope you're all well.  See you this week in New Jersey.

Lover from over here.  



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