Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Groundhog Day

And if Pennsylvania got hit like Chicago, or Rochester, or Massachusetts, then I don't think Punxatawny Phil the groundhog even came out of his hole.  The weather, or the threat of it, made me rethink my trip up north this week.  As it turns out, I probably could have made it, but why chance it, if you don't have to?

It would have been good to see Grandma who has caught pneumonia, for the first time in a year and a half, or more.  Each time we call she says she is better, but we can still hear the tired-ness and rasp in her voice.  Peter went over to see her last weekend.  David and Paula were supposed to go down last week, but with snow and sickness they headed back to more snow in Rochester.  
I hope to go up and see Grandma tomorrow.  

Last week was a week of weather as well.  Mary worked only one day.  Wednesday the weather came in rain and sleet.  People all around lost their power, but we were fortunate.  Only until Thursday, when we lost our power and heat.  It didn't come back on until Saturday at noon, and we recorded a 48-degree temperature inside the house.  My best guess is there were at least two factors behind this.  First, I happened to be cleaning out a box of memorabilia and came upon an "award" Grandma and Pop had given me in 1973 when the power went out in Wilton for four days, and then there was a fire in the chimney!  I found that document about 30 minutes before we lost power.  Then on Sunday, we read the beatitudes in church, and I figured that we did not qualify as blessed since we had not suffered enough.  So we got to suffer a little.  A real little.

What else is new?  We went to movies to stay warm - Barney's version (very good) -- and to Dunkin Donuts and Barnes and Noble.  Joe has moved out, to get closer to his work and school, down in DC where he is housesitting for a friend.  Margaret has started her GRE classes, and we think Annie has started her Chinese New Years trip to Shanghai.

We spoke with Andrew and David and the talk was mostly of weather.  Must be winter.   Love from down here.  Stay warm!  

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