Sunday, July 26, 2009

Fullness of summer

June was wet and even cool; July has been dry and now hot.  Today we broke down and turned on the air conditioning.  And we finally got some rain to turn our lawn back to green.
Right now, Annie is in Boston, Joe on the other coast in San Francisco; and Margaret's here.  We celebrated Mary's birthday Friday at a Thai restaurant in Bethesda.  Here's a hint at birthdays at this time of life.  Mary got a book about healthy eating, a cushion for her back and a GPS to help her find her way around. She's laughing because of the greeting on the cake.  
Annie went to up in Boston looking for a place to live.  She thinks she found a place in Nadick, and she's coming back tonight. 
We hear Peter and Janet are out in Vancouver.  Johanna, Sean and Amanda went over today to have brunch with Grandma.  And Grandma said that Johanna is moving to the city, having found an apartment near Littley Italy.  New Yorkers!
Last week, David and Paula came down to Hightstown to visit Grandma.  I had made arrangements to go up Friday night, and maybe go fishing on Saturday morning.  I even got fishing licenses for us.  Unfortunately, after three hours of driving (the normal time it takes to get to Hightstown) I had only gotten through the Baltimore tunnel and ran right into yet another traffic jam.  So I turned around and came home.  Oh well.  Sounds like everyone had fun, with a big (early) birthday dinner for Grandma.  Jeff and Melodie had driven up Saturday.
We couldn't drive up, since we had tickets to King Lear, courtesy of Joe and a Christmas present to Mary.  It was a great play, a complicated story, and well staged. 
John went out to Denver this past week, to attend the announcement of the Denver Biennial of the Americas which will take place next year.  The organizers were prominent in the Obama campaign, and have envisioned a seven week, world's fair type of program full of exhibits, conferences and performances.  Everything revolves around innovation for social change.  Needless to say, I was stuck in the slow lane trying to make sense of what was going on.
This weekend we're heading back to Pittsfield; Mary will spend three weeks up north, and I'll be coming back to work.
Hope you're all well.  Love from down here.

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