Monday, June 29, 2020


Rain.  I will never complain about rain again, and I welcome the last week where it seems to have rained every day.  I don't even mind the water in the basement.  We had such a dry stretch from May into June we had to water the gardens. Never done that so early. And, even that still didn't help our asparagus and strawberry output.  Measly.  We have lettuce though, and for the first time cabbage heads are forming.  So far, we've been able to keep the groundhogs and rabbits at bay, but I did see a hole inside the garden today.  Stay tuned.

Any fathers out there?  Was yours the best Father's Day ever?  It was here.  We zoomed with children and grandchildren, and our friends Charlie and Annie were here for a social distanced dinner. They just bought a place in Northhampton, so they will be dividing their time between North Carolina and Mass.  We have a new member of the fathers club – welcome aboard Andrew S.

We heard Daniel came home for the big day out in Dundee.  Claire is up at Green Lake, I think at the camp, but not with any campers.  Andrew and Lur have hired some people to help out caring for Lur's parents in the evenings.  They had to cancel their summer ritual of Green Lake this year.

Right now, Annie Dickson is somewhere east of Idaho and west of Illinois.  She and Sankar packed up their apartment, put their things in storage and loaded up the car last Thursday.  They have sent photos of two kitties exploring the car, hopefully not while on Rte 90 going 75 mph.  Anyway, they expect to be here shortly after the 4th and move into their short-term lease in Great Barrington.  Can't wait.

Today's a big day in Washington.  Margaret went back to work, or at least went upstairs in their house to turn on the computer and log into work. Andrew has a few more weeks of leave, before he too starts back up, also working virtually from home.

Meanwhile, down in Brazil, Joe has a week or so more of his baby leave.  Young John is putting on weight and he's just about the weight he would be if he went full term, which is today.  We had some fun reading times with Thomas, over Zoom.  Leonor looks strong, but tired.  Wish we could go there, but I think Brazil's leaders are trying to vie with the U.S. for biggest coronavirus fumble.

My weekly letter slow-going scanning project unearthed this tidbit from August 1988 – "It was a busy week – with one very emotional moment. When we watched David and Paula drive from here on Tuesday morning (they had spent the night here), we were happy, so happy, to see them off together for a new home – all together.  But it was surely sad, after all these fine years of picnics, pinochle, dinners, celebrations, etc, to know that one era was ending and another was starting…..."

What else? Mary is getting ready to head to Boston for her valve replacement procedure this week (Wednesday.)  She has been on the phone with doctors and nurses with last-minute details. She also has been sewing corona masks with whales on them to sell at the Arrowhead shop whenever they open up.  More importantly, she's back in the water, swimming in the lake, and smiling whenever she gets back home.

Down in Florida, John and Marilyn are just hunkered down, with strict following of social distancing.  John has taken up early morning swims in place of going to the gym to workout.  Tim has come over for dinner a few times.

We saw a good movie the other night (Once Upon a Time in Hollywood) and are in the middle of season three of Ozark – why are my favorite shows about drug traffickers? We finished another one with gripping endings to every show – Dead to Me.

That's about it from here – Happy 4th of July, everyone.  Love from up here.


Monday, June 15, 2020

June is busting out

One of the unexpected pleasures of Coronavirus has been my decision to use the time at home to scan old weekly letters.  Back when they actually were once a week, that means it's pretty slow going.  I've only done a couple of years this time around, to add to the ten years or so I had scanned back when we were living in Canada.

Anyway, I come across interesting tidbits.  Here's one from September 1989:
"We talked to five grandchildren last week! Actually, I am sorry to report that I hung up on one of the calls. I picked up the phone and heard this voice and figured it was a child playing with a phone… it was a child alright, it was Johanna and she was calling to tell us that she was about to move into Ann's old four poster bed."  Seemed an appropriate memory on this day of remembrance of a shocking June 15 back in 1978. There are many other memories, but I'll take the fancy bed with a canopy in Ann's room. I'll try to pick out a passage every now and then from the old letters.

There are other advantages to Coronavirus.  One is that Andrew and Margaret were able to take the time off and come spend a week with us in the glorious days of summer. They brought along a surprise – Simon!  He has kept us happily occupied with the excitement of naps, poops, eating, and even smiling. This is a good age, when the parents have started to figure out what calms him down.  The good news is he slept through the night a couple of times. That means they might come back!

They had the run of the place to themselves for a night last week while we made our way to Boston for Mary's angiogram. All went well, and fairly quick.  Back home by 4pm with a bout of nausea on the way home. Now, we're just waiting to hear when the valve replacement will be scheduled.

News from Brazil is Joe bought a car, so that he could make his way to and from work, whenever work starts up. No more Uber, and Leonor will have her own car to shuttle two boys around. Little John is gaining weight, which is good.  What's amazing is that he still hasn't reached his due date. And, here's a photo of Thomas at Zoom story time. They also decided to put their house on the market, as they couldn't lock in a renter.

And another positive Coronavirus outcome is that Annie has signed a lease in Great Barrington. She's due here in early July, but we haven't heard final confirmation of their travel plans.  Can't wait.
Last week, I handed out a stock tip on Mike's Lemonade.  Here's another one – weed whackers. I have been investing heavily in weed whackers and still can't find one that works, or at least works for me.  I spent an hour on Sunday trying to start my latest version, and I have two blisters to show for it. It still doesn't work.  Any ideas?

Opening up story – Daniel has gone back to work in Chicago, as things open up ever so cautiously.  Stay safe there buddy. In case you're wondering, here's the website of the business he's working for, with his photo on the tab – Meet the Team.  Lur and Andrew have decided to hire someone to come in for a few nights each week to help with her parents. Difficult decisions.  

Our garden is coming in, slowly, but, without much rain, we are having to water it every night.  We've had a couple of harvests of lettuce, and our first strawberry.  But, there is a mystery: what happened to the asparagus this year?  Hope it comes back next year. 

What else?  We've had a couple of dinners with Timmy over, and we've even ventured to have friends over to sit around the campfire.  Easing but not anywhere near where we'd hoped to have been – going to plays, concerts at Tanglewood, museums etc.  

Of course, the news is pretty depressing. What happened to our country?  I guess, our new normal for a while. Memo to the next generation: sorry about that.  

And sorry the news is so one-sided. Have to do a better job in getting your news. Last week, we were hacked, so I had to change the email for posting to the website.  I guess you could send me anything directly for posting.

Love from up here.