to 2015
to Joe and Leonor, who were heading south in a UHaul with a load of furniture, in the freezing rain. They won't have such a nice drive, but they didn't have to drive on Joe's birthday. Remember those days in Pomfret, when Joe got the big birthday celebration with all of you? Fun. It was a quiet celebration yesterday that was going well until the Bengals had to go and spoil his birthday. technically, though, I think they lost a few minutes after midnight so it wasn't really his birthday.
to Annie and Margaret and Andrew, who left on Sunday. Margaret and Andrew were on their way to the Meadowlands (still called that?) to watch the obnoxious Jets fans whose team pulled out an overtime win against the Pats. Annie left later in the day, after she had given both Mary and me tutorials on our computers (thanks) and with a full load in her car as well. It was so wonderful having everyone home.
But perhaps not as nice as it was for Matthew to be home, as he said goodbye to the hospital and re-hab on Christmas Eve. Tremendous. So happy to see all the photos on Facebook that we are re-posting one here.
Speaking of Facebook, would Pop have loved it? One side would say, it was not his pencil or typewriter ribbon with carbon paper. But the other side would say, what a great way to keep up with everyone.
For example, we had a Facebook debate over whether Love Actually is the best Christmas movie, after Melodie posted a photo of High Grant dancing in 10 Downing Street.
We had another Facebook exchange after Johanna posted a photo from Grandma and Pop's 50th wedding celebration outside the Princeton chapel.
And, we saw Facebook photos of Jen and Bill on their way to Belize, of Myles and Auden in from of the Christmas tree. And another one of Peter practicing flyfishing, with a little help from Dasha.
So, we have to ask the question, if we are doing so well staying in touch on Facebook, perhaps we need a Pops Weekly Letter Facebook page. Just a thought. Not that I'm saying goodbye to Pops Weekly Letter, especially after Leonor told me she was now an avid reader.
Hope your time together was wonderful. It was, up here - we saw Star Wars, we finished a difficult puzzle, walked up the mountain in Pittsfield State Forest, ate a lot of cookies, had a great visit with John and Marilyn who were up from Florida for the holidays, watched the fire, walked D, read newspapers, New Yorkers, and books, and had extended dinners and dinner conversations about...... everything.
So, farewell to 2015 - any reservations for next year yet?
Love from up here.