Thursday, August 1, 2024

Poconos Redux

When the calendar reads August, I still think of my teaching days since it meant that the summer was over.  Sometimes, though, I think of soccer practices starting. Now, though, I think mostly of the vegetable garden and what we're going to do with all the cucumbers.

But end of July means our bash in the Poconos is still fresh in mind. Every year I say best ever, and this year is no different.  From the weather standpoint, it was wonderful, with just one brief storm on our last evening that only slightly affected the last dinner together. We all had different slices, but here are some highlights

-- grandchildren tops my list.  They had so much fun, especially the first night, when they ran and ran and ran around the pirate ship playground with Donald chasing the younger boys, and even Luisa. Normally, we hang out around the supper cabin, but everyone followed the youngest set down to the pirate ship. I have included a few pictures; looking at them, I cringe when I imagine this crew ten years from now.  No, I don't cringe; I welcome it.

How do you measure success? Here's one measure – exhausted children sleeping in the cars all the way home. Here's another – I took a couple of books and magazines and might have read a couple of paragraphs.

-- swimming to and jumping from the dock, endlessly, exhaustingly

-- wildlife, including deer, bear, heron and snake sightings. I think Jeffrey caught a few fish too; I know Simon caught a worm. Anyone else?

-- boat rides. Mary and Margaret stretched their diplomatic skills to make sure Thomas, John and Simon all got their share of boat rides.

-- endless chatter among generations, between generations. We picked up a lot of newsy items, most of which will go in the other letter – not for Pops Weekly Letter. But, it's important to catch up; so much happens in a year.

-- the multi-birthday party for Mary and Donald, Thomas and Everett. I managed to make my way through way too many desserts that night.

-- Rell's perseverance through computer shutdowns and plane and rental car delays to get there late at night.

-- visiting each other's cabins, exercising, napping, tv downtime, babysitting, board-gaming, wandering, tether ball and see saws and Oliver's yoyo contraption, sand castles.

We missed people too.  David and Paula, Janie and her crew had to take rain checks for health reasons. Next year, fingers crossed.

Mountain Springs really is an ideal place for gathering with people in their own cabins, in easy reach of the lake and sandy beach and playground, and so picturesque, with the view from cabin porches of the sun spotting through the trees with the lake in the distance.

With that in mind, put it on your calendars for next year – July 17, 18, 19. I reserved Sunday night for two cabins as well; let me know if there's more interest in one more night and I can reserve more.

Non-Poconos news: Billy and Jen made it to Colorado and then boarded a flight for Cabo San Lucas for a rest; Daniel took his parents to a concert, and Claire is heading home this weekend. Paula and David entertained with a few of Paula's college classmates they hadn't seen in years.  Joe and Leonor and little friends are in Portugal for a two-week vacation where they celebrated Thomas' birthday on his day. Annie is back in Pittsfield, but, not for long, as she heads to Boston next week. And Colleen and Laura got married.

I should add it's also Herman Melville's birthday. August 1, 1819.  But you already knew that. 

Love from up here. 

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