Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Happy Mother's Day

Halfway through May, and what do I have to show for it?  My first tick bite. Too soon to tell if it's going to kick off a bout with Lyme and antibiotics.

You may ask, how did it happen? Or, you may not really care.  If so, then skip to the next paragraph. Kind of a long story. We closed on the house next door, and the first thing we did was a quick walk-through. Then I got on my mower and cut the grass. Then I started the clearing process of invasive vines and thorn bushes and trees. With my new chain saw (small) and clippers and weed wacker, I began to tackle the overgrowth. Hence a tick.

Our bigger news was the day after we closed, we hopped in the car and drove to DC. Margaret and Andrew had plans to go to Ireland for a long weekend, kind of an anniversary present. So, our present to them was to watch Simon while they were gone.

We had fun, they had fun, and maybe even Simon had fun too. We spent quite a bit of time with his cousins. Joe and Leonor hosted us a couple of times for dinners, including a Mother's Day barbecue, where I left the steak on a little too long. (How do you say sorry in Portuguese?)

They also had a barbecue the Sunday before that, with Sean, Erin and Kiernan; Jeff and Melodie; Margaret, Andrew and Simon. Four little boys and Luisa. Wait until the Poconos when they're ten or so. And Donald and Everett too.

With Simon, we went swimming and tried all the playgrounds within a 50-mile radius it seems. Simon's swim lesson was cancelled, so we headed to the mall, where our tour guide, Simon, pointed out the Capitol, the Washington Monument and the dinosaurs.

Margaret and Andrew were able to get last-minute tickets to a Bruce Springsteen concert in Belfast, so that was an added bonus. They packed it in back in Dublin, staying on Temple Bar, going to a museum, maybe a pub or 2, going on a hike along cliffs, and Andrew even go to play golf. Yes, it was sunny too.

In India, they play golf, but Sankar is more a cricket guy. So, he somehow persuaded Annie to go to a match in 110 degree weather. The photo showed them smiling. The next day they headed north, all the way to the foothills of the Himalayas. Annie may be the first Dickson to see those mountains first-hand, but hopefully not too close. I should add that the Cricket World Cup will be in the U.S. this summer.  

Did someone say Mother's Day? Kind of skipped over that tremendous day. Hope everyone's festivities were spectacular. We saw that Tina got a special spa day, with Everett doing the facial and make-up.  Someone is brave, and hint, it's not Everett.

We heard from Johanna, who says she has a new job!  Congratulations. There's a story there, but it'll have to wait until you see her in the Poconos. Otherwise what would we talk about? (Aside – I don't think we have any problem on that score.)

Up in Fairport, we talked with David a couple of times, and he is busy and sore from the garden preparations. And Paula came down with strep. So sorry.  Hope you had recovered by Mother's Day.

More news!  Mary talked to Timmy, and he's moving back to Pittsfield. LA proved too much for the man. He wouldn't be the first.

With that, wishing you all a happy, healthy rest of the month of May.


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